
All about K pop BTS free app download

 All about K pop BTS free app download

개인확인용 친자확인검사는 어떻게 하나?

개인확인용 친자확인 유전자검사 안내 개인이 단순히 확인용으로 하려는 친자확인 검사는  법적인 효력이 없습니다.  말 그대로 단순한 확인만 해 보려는 검사입니다.  마음속에 의심을 품고 괴로워 하기보다는  확인을 해서 대책을 세 우는게 좋치 않을지요... 확인용은 고객님께서 직접 검체를 체취하거나 수집하셔서  준비된 검체를 등기나 기타 방법으로 보내서  의뢰를 주시면 됩니다. 검채종류 :  1. 모근이 붙어있는 머리카락 2-5 가닥. 2. 면봉 (입안 볼살 안쪽을 문질러서 구강상피세포를 묻흰) 3. 사용하던 칫솔 4. 손,발톱 5. 혈흔 및 기타. 모근이 붙어있는 머리카락과 구강상피세포를  채취한 면봉 이외의 검체는  검체에서 얻을 수 있는 유전자가 미량이 있거나  없을 수 있기 때문에 특수 시약으로  유전자를 분리해 내는 과정이 추가되 시간이 더  걸릴 수 있습니다.  보내주신 검체에서 친자확인에  필요한 유전자가 검출이 안되면 다시 무료로 검사해 드립니다.  이 경우 검체를 다시 보내 주셔야 합니다.  수집하신 검체는 지퍼백 같은곳에 오염되지 않게  잘 넣어서 포스트잇 이나, 펜으로  겉에 검사대상자의 관계나 누구의 것인지  표기를 하시면 됩니다. 검체를 바로 보내지 않을 경우  냉장보관을 하시는게 좋습니다.  수집하신 검체와 함께 신청서와 동의서를 수기로  작성하셔서 함께 보내시면 됩니다. 연구소에서 수령 후 2-3일이면 결과가 나옵니다. 결과가 나오면 전화 및 카톡으로 먼저 알려드리고.... 고객님께서 원하시는 방법으로 결과지를  우편 및 이메일로 발송 해 드립니다.  신청서 작성 방법  위 빨간색 부분이 고객님께서 직접  작성하실 부분입니다.  신청인 한분만 작성하시면 됩니다.  검체는 지퍼백 같은곳에 넣어서...

Couple customs in Korea

  Korean couples love to celebrate anniversaries, share food and experience together. We have rounded up some of the funniest couple customs in Korea. The perfect match! In Korea, it is very common to see “couples” on the street dressed almost the same, or in a very similar way. In the shops there are "couple T-shirts", that is t-shirts designed to be worn by men and women in a couple. Some wear exactly the same clothes or match the same colors. The design of the cellphone and the case are also thick. This is all a fun way and more of a social rule than a cheesy feature to show others that you are not single. Korean couples celebrate multiple anniversaries In addition to the classic monthly or annual anniversary, couples in Korea also count the days they have been together. To keep the bill, just download an app on your phone. The 100th day of the couple is very important, and it counts exactly from the first date (which is already considered as the first day of being togethe...

9 Korean superstitions you may not have known about

  Korea is a modern and technological country that nevertheless has remained very attached to traditions. Among these, we also find superstitions and many Koreans, while declaring that they do not believe in it, still continue to do or not to do certain actions out of superstition so as not to recall bad luck. Most felt by the elderly population, however, they continue to be observed even by the youngest. So let's see in this article what are the most widespread Korean superstitions. 1. Avoid number 4 As already mentioned in our article " 15 curiosities about South Korea ", the number 4 is absolute to be avoided because it recalls the idea of ​​death. The pronunciation of the number 4 in Sino-Korean numbers, in fact, has the same pronunciation as the hanja which indicates death and for this reason, it would bring bad luck. You might find it hard to find the button corresponding to the fourth floor in Korean elevators: it is often replaced by an F key, which stands for the...

how to start the day in the country of the calm morning

  The Korean breakfast is very different from the Western one: in fact, Korea tends to avoid sweet early mornings and to have a purely salty breakfast. To be honest, the traditional Korean breakfast doesn't differ much from a lunch or dinner and is very filling. However, given the hectic life of recent times, many Koreans have started to have a more frugal breakfast or skip it altogether, indulging in just a takeaway coffee from one of the many coffee shops. Now let's see what the traditional Korean breakfast is made up of and how it has changed over time. Traditional Korean breakfast The traditional Korean breakfast is meant to be a full meal and gives a lot of energy to face the day. It, therefore, consists of many dishes served in small portions, so that all together give the necessary nutritional intake. On the table we always find steamed white rice, which is the basic ingredient of the Korean diet, a soup, and various banchan, that is side dishes, including kimchi, that i...

A look at Korean cinema

  Korean cinema has recently given several proofs of its profound and exclusive artistic activity. Especially this year, thanks to the victory of the Palme d'Or at the Cannes Film Festival obtained by Parasite, attention towards the seventh Korean art has risen dramatically in Italy as well. But the fascinating Korean film industry does not stop only with this work by Bong Joon-ho but also has many other facets. My task today will be to introduce you to the basic aspects of Korean cinema, so that you too can begin to orient yourself within this fantastic world. The Hallyu, or the Korean Wave If you are someone whose interest in Korean culture started thanks to media such as music, drama, or film then you are also a victim of the so-called Korean wave . But what exactly is this wave? The Hallyu in Korean is precisely a phenomenon that has developed since the nineties, which thanks to the strong distribution of media material through Asia first, and the rest of the world then, has a...

UK NME "Re-confirms BTS Ability"... BTS online concert, highly praised.

 Foreign media praised BTS's online concert "BTS PERMISSION TO DANCE ON STAGE."  "Since then, BTS has set numerous records, won major headlines, and has not had an important part of (various) completing BTS, their opportunity to present BTS on the spot," NME, a British music magazine, said, referring to BTS's last large stadium performance before the COVID-19 situation. "Permission to Dance On Stage" was not a moment of reunion (with fans), but BTS created a stage that seemed to feel the heat of the full-seat concert hall with all their energy and sincerity," NME said adding, "This is another example of reaffirming BTS's ability to change, develop, and do anything in a tough life." The Guardian, a British daily newspaper, praised the upgraded stage in an article titled Charisma and Confidence of the World's Best Pop Group, saying, " BTS has challenged various genres since its debut in 2013, but proved its charisma and co...