
Showing posts with the label korea

Couple customs in Korea

  Korean couples love to celebrate anniversaries, share food and experience together. We have rounded up some of the funniest couple customs in Korea. The perfect match! In Korea, it is very common to see “couples” on the street dressed almost the same, or in a very similar way. In the shops there are "couple T-shirts", that is t-shirts designed to be worn by men and women in a couple. Some wear exactly the same clothes or match the same colors. The design of the cellphone and the case are also thick. This is all a fun way and more of a social rule than a cheesy feature to show others that you are not single. Korean couples celebrate multiple anniversaries In addition to the classic monthly or annual anniversary, couples in Korea also count the days they have been together. To keep the bill, just download an app on your phone. The 100th day of the couple is very important, and it counts exactly from the first date (which is already considered as the first day of being togethe...

9 Korean superstitions you may not have known about

  Korea is a modern and technological country that nevertheless has remained very attached to traditions. Among these, we also find superstitions and many Koreans, while declaring that they do not believe in it, still continue to do or not to do certain actions out of superstition so as not to recall bad luck. Most felt by the elderly population, however, they continue to be observed even by the youngest. So let's see in this article what are the most widespread Korean superstitions. 1. Avoid number 4 As already mentioned in our article " 15 curiosities about South Korea ", the number 4 is absolute to be avoided because it recalls the idea of ​​death. The pronunciation of the number 4 in Sino-Korean numbers, in fact, has the same pronunciation as the hanja which indicates death and for this reason, it would bring bad luck. You might find it hard to find the button corresponding to the fourth floor in Korean elevators: it is often replaced by an F key, which stands for the...

Why is military service in Korea mandatory?

Anyone who approaches Korean culture for one reason or another will sooner or later find themselves talking about a particular topic, which is compulsory military service.  But why is it that young people who have just graduated in Korea are still forced to do so today? What exactly is this duty to the country, and what repercussions does it have on mass culture? Let's try to find out together what military service in Korea consists of. How long has military service been in Korea? The Korean Military Service has been declared binding officially in 1957 and sees its basis in the Constitution of the Republic of Korea. The Constitution was promulgated in 1948, and it is possible to find Article 39, which states that every citizen has the obligation to devote himself to national defense under pre-established conditions. From that time until today it has never been interrupted and has gradually become an integral part of Korean society. It must be said that nowadays this type of duty fo...

How the New Year is spent in Korea

New Year's Eve in Korea is celebrated as much as in the West and you can spend it with family, friends, or with your sweetheart. In reality, the real Korean New Year is not January 1st, but coincides with the first day of the lunar calendar (which falls on January 25th in 2020) and is called Seollal.  However, this does not prevent Koreans from celebrating both anniversaries and therefore also celebrating the beginning of the new solar year (saehae ). Let's see together in this article how the Solar New Year is spent in Korea. Activities in the city Many Koreans decide to spend New Year's Eve  (yeonmal ) having dinner with the family, especially if they have chosen to spend Christmas differently. Contrary to how it happens here, therefore, it is more common for Christmas to be spent with friends and the New Year with the family rather than the other way around. In any case, this is not a rule and there are many activities that can be carried out in the company. As in all bi...