Couple customs in Korea
Korean couples love to celebrate anniversaries, share food and experience together. We have rounded up some of the funniest couple customs in Korea. The perfect match! In Korea, it is very common to see “couples” on the street dressed almost the same, or in a very similar way. In the shops there are "couple T-shirts", that is t-shirts designed to be worn by men and women in a couple. Some wear exactly the same clothes or match the same colors. The design of the cellphone and the case are also thick. This is all a fun way and more of a social rule than a cheesy feature to show others that you are not single. Korean couples celebrate multiple anniversaries In addition to the classic monthly or annual anniversary, couples in Korea also count the days they have been together. To keep the bill, just download an app on your phone. The 100th day of the couple is very important, and it counts exactly from the first date (which is already considered as the first day of being togethe...